London Sightseeing Flight

What a gorgeous day Saturday turned out to be. Arrival at the airfield was greeted with fog….which quickly burned off and provided some amazing weather for a London Sights flight with Captain Anne-Marie and Maria.

Captain Anne-Marie and Maria lifting in LYZA for a London sights trip

It was a busy morning as a total of three helicopters and eager pilots were waiting for the fog to lift before they could do the same.

Our two R22’s spun up and waiting to lift with G2 starting up
Back on the ground after a successful London Sights trip

An amazing experience was had with a fair number of pictures taken.

Call EBG Helicopters today to discuss how we can help you with your sightseeing trip, helicopter charter, live the dream and learn how to fly.

Not really sure if it’s for you? Come and try with one of our experience flights. Plenty of options available.

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